

I’ve been teaching music for more than 10 years now. Explaining, observing and sharing are some of the things I love the most about the process of teaching, and of course it’s always a great way to learn as well.

Back in the years I used to teach a lot of electric bass, and a lot of harmony, solfege and concepts about improvisation.

Now I’ve fully replaced electric bass with acoustic bass, and acoustic bass means classical technique first, as I believe it provides all the basic tools for understanding how this instrument works and how to prevent injures.

Besides private teaching, I’ve also taught for one year in Prince Claus Conservatorium (Groningen, NL), the  Ear Training and Jazz Ensemble courses for bachelor students.

I’m currently living in Groningen, Netherlands, where I offer private lessons about rhythm, harmony and melody for all levels and instruments.

Since March 2018 I also teach double bass at the music school Vrijdag in Groningen:


Here’s some material about my process during my master studies, I hope you’ll find it interesting. Feel free to download it and ask me any questions!

Final research report 2016